Suganj Eco Chemicals Private Limited established in 2009 with three directors having rich experience. The company has its registered office and manufacturing unit at SIDCO, Thirumazhisai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
The company has its branch Office in Hyderabad and sales offices in Madurai, Puducherry, Vizag & Bengaluru. Company has a capacity to manufacture 100 tons/month. Company produces and markets its product range in the verticals namely Industrial, Water treatment, Housekeeping and automotive speciality products in India & Overseas.
Company supplies wide range of raw chemicals (Commercial & Lab Chemicals) to meet the various customer needs. Company has its Operation & Maintenance / Housekeeping services.
To be a prominent and dynamic organisation by providing world class products and services to the customer
To adopt innovative and qualitative products & services. Pay attention to customer needs. Give all customer value for money.
Transparency across the network system. Prioritise customer care to exceed expectations